
Tasha Bleu for Nike, Inc.

Elevating Humanity


💙 Now is the time to spread positivity. As part of Meta's ‘Meta Elevate’ division, Tasha Bleu has been recognized as a Top Storyteller in the ‘We The Culture’ community.

Being a part of the ‘We The Culture’ community empowers Tasha Bleu to #shareblackstories!

Here are some of the things Meta employees said about Tasha Bleu:

“Photographer, Founder, and Futurist Tasha Bleu has worked with GRAMMY-winning musicians and world-class brands. She is a leader in the Gen-Z Black influencer marketing industry.”

The following is an excerpt from one of her first Instagram guides:

“Facts about me brought to you by @Meta’s @WeTheCulture

🌍 On March 26, 2014, #AirMaxDay was launched.

🌎 #AirMaxDay was launched by @Nike Air Max Bible.

🌏 The @Nike Air Max Bible featured me on page 126.

🌍 I was the only Black woman featured in the book.

🌎 @Nike does not offer the book for sale anywhere.

🌏 My copies were authenticated by Tinker Hatfield.

🌍 Over 100 books and magazines have featured my work, inspiring future generations of photographers!

@Meta's @WeTheCulture community empowers me to #ShareBlackStories, including my own!

🌎 Sponsored by @Facebook @Meta

@Instagram @WeTheCulture @Creators

#TreuBleu #TashaBleu #WeTheCulture”